Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First ride of 2009

Well we finally did it. The weather cooperated on Sunday so we saddled up Dove and Sister and went for a ride. The snow was really deep in places.......up to the horses bellies in some spots. We were riding along taking our time and all of a sudden Sister decided that the snow was just too good and she needed to lay down and roll......Severine barely had a chance to get her foot out of the stirup and Sister was down. Then the next thing I knew......Sister went racing by me minus Severine. Off down the field then to our amazement she circled around and came right back to Severine.....almost like she was checking to see that she was OK. Too funny. Then just stood there while Severine mounted back up and off we went. I was really glad that she came back because we were about 1/2 mile from home and the snow was really deep!


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