Monday, April 06, 2015

Is winter EVER going to end!

I was hoping by now that things would be warming up somewhat but just when we get our hopes up it seems like we get another blast of winter.

Last week we had a couple of days of nice weather which gave us a chance to get all the horses wormed and start saddle training on some of the older ones. I have the farrier coming on March 23rd so here's hoping for warmer weather.

Glory has now been saddled and although wide-eyed she did not put up a fuss at all.....and she looks good in an english saddle......Hercules had an english saddle on too and he looks awsome!

Well......spring is finally here! This winter has seemed like an especially LONG one. Time to clean up the yard and figure out placement of the horses.

We had a new horse come to the farm yesterday while we were in town. A young German couple with two children rescued her so they are keeping her here until they decide what to do. She is a pretty paint......but I don't know her name yet.

We had resounding success at the City Wide Registration on Thursday many parents and kids are interested in the is so exciting that we are going to have more people to share our Curly horses with.......

It's been awhile!

It seems like forever since I BLOGGED......

We continue to enjoy cold but clear weather here on the prairies. The horses are wintering wonderfully. Our new feeding system seems to be keeping the "easy keepers" from getting too fat. I move a few horses around yesterday since Angel and Dapper went back to their home in Manitoba.

I try to keep the horses in their family mom with daughters etc. It just seems to make a difference for the horses. We have a few floaters that can go in either herd. I also like to have all my babies together for playing and socializing.

I have a few new photos of some of the horses with some movement in them. We took them into the round pen before the last storm to play off some steam.

Spring Fence Walk

Every spring Rick and I walk the fence line to fix and check for needed repairs.....well Saturday was the day.....not too we put on our rubber boots and headed out.  Things looked pretty good with only a few staples pulled loose and some downed wire here and there.  Along our travels we saw a crocus and then further down the trail a big white plastic barrel had blown onto the fence....thanking our lucky stars we started rolling the barrel home....when we got to the boys pasture fence.....the boys saw that white barrel and thought for sure that it was a horse eating barrel.....I snapped some photos as they acted like idiots with just a touch of spring fever!